Study in Canada

Study at St. Thomas More College in Canada for International Students!



Are you an international student looking to study at a top-notch college in the U.S. or another country? A great place to explore whether or not it is the right decision for you is at St. Thomas More College in Canada. This small, bible-believing college has a waiting list of about 300 students and does not accept new students until summer of 2023! But don’t let that scare you away. As (a Canadian) ex-pat who lives in the U.S., this is my home as well, so I jumped at the chance to check out this school!

St. Thomas More College in Canada has an exciting and challenging program for international students! For people who want to experience a different culture, explore new places, and improve their English-language skills, studying at this school is a great option. You can specialize in one of several different academic programs, or study general studies and language at St. Thomas More College. Depending on your goals, you could choose fields like business, computer science, or engineering. Or you could focus on another academic discipline like psychology or history. To help you decide where to study at St. Thomas More College in Canada , read on to learn more!

About The College

All students are welcome at Saskatoon’s St. Thomas More College (STM), a Catholic liberal arts institution affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan (USask). STM students get access to the finest of both worlds by offering them a small-scale academic environment on the USask campus. STM, which was established in 1936 by the Basilian Fathers and is currently sponsored by the St. Thomas More College Society, is a warm neighborhood known for its longstanding traditions of academic quality, commitment to social justice, and support of students’ development as entire people.

They offers more than 250 credit hours of coursework across 19 topic areas in collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences and is academically integrated with USask. As part of their USask degree, any student may enroll in STM courses. More than 5,000 students sign up for STM courses, many of which count toward the optional requirements for various USask degree programs as well as the requirements for Arts and Science degrees.

A STM major in philosophy, a minor in critical perspectives on social justice and the common good, certificates in Ukrainian, peace studies, religious literacy, Jewish and Christian origins, and Catholic studies are just a few of the distinctive programming options. In addition to supporting academic offerings in the area of Ukrainian heritage, the Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage (PCUH), located at STM, also works on research initiatives. Additionally, STM gives students the chance to integrate service-learning into their academic experience. STM is well-known for its flourishing drama and glee club, numerous youth organizations, and a student governing council inside the college. It also offers academic assistance and on-site campus ministry teams to students.

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How to Apply to St. Thomas More College in Canada

If you’re interested in studying at St. Thomas More College in Canada, you’ll have to apply to the school first. To apply, you’ll need to send in an application to the Admissions Office at St. Thomas More College in Canada. During this application, you’ll be asked to list a variety of topics, including your top three interests, your career goals, and a list of any extra-curricular activities or extracurricular activities you’ve taken part in. Once you’ve applied to St. Thomas More College in Canada, you’ll have the option of either visiting the school or snail-mailing your application to the college.

If you choose to visit the school, you’ll have the opportunity to tour the campus, meet with admissions officers, and take part in various tours and activities. If you’re applying by mail, your admissions application will be sent to the college and then sent on to the admissions office at St. Thomas More College in Canada. Once you’ve been admitted, you’ll officially start classes at St. Thomas More College in Canada and attend classes for one semester, before heading off to another school in your home country to complete your degree.

What are the Requirements for St. Thomas More College in Canada?

In order to attend St. Thomas More College in Canada, you’ll need to meet the following requirements: Be at least 18 years of age by the start of study at St. Thomas More College in Canada. Have a confirmed place of residence in Canada. It have a valid passport or valid travel document for the country you’re staying in.

Therefore, you should have a minimum score of 70% on the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Exam. Have a minimum score of 65% on the Canadian English Language Proficiency Test (CELP). Have a minimum overall GPA of at least 2.5. They have a minimum number of credits completed in college.

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How Much Tuition and fees at St. Thomas More College in Canada

All tuition and fees for St. Thomas More College in Canada are listed below. These figures reflect the regular routine, where students may take advantage of international students’ special pricing and deals. However, international students are not charged these fees back home, so these are the fees you’ll have to pay if you decide to return to your home country. Semester Tuition Fee* Full-Time Enrolled Students $23,650 Part-Time Enrolled Students $7,750 HECS-HELP Students $1,500

Programs Offered by St. Thomas More College in Canada

St. Thomas More College in Canada offers a variety of academic programs, as listed below. To navigate through the various departments, use the tabs at the top of this page. Business administration – This is a degree program that teaches you how to run a successful business. It’s a good idea to apply to business administration before arriving in Canada, as it’s one of the most competitive programs at this college. Computer science – This is a two- year degree program that teaches you how to program computers. You’ll learn about how computers work, as well as how to build websites, databases, and apps.

Because the curriculum is more complex, it’s recommended for students who want a four-year degree. Electrical engineering – This is a three-year degree program that teaches you how to design and create electrical products and systems. You’ll also learn about electricity and how you can use electricity to power your electronic devices. Human biology – This is a three-year degree program that teaches you about human biology and the various body systems. It’s a more in-depth study than human biology, and is recommended for students who want a four-year degree. Human development and family studies – This is a two-year degree program that studies the different stages of human development, as well as how families function. It’s a good idea to apply to human development and family studies before arriving in Canada, as it’s one of the most competitive programs at this college

International Students Welcome!

St. Thomas More College in Canada is a great school to attend if you’re interested in learning more about different cultures and/or want to improve your English- language skills. When you’re here, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with international students from all over the world. If you’re interested in business, computer science, psychology, or any other field of study, you’ll have the perfect background for a career in business or engineering.

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Additionally, most of the teachers at this school are either from another country or have a cultural background different from your own. This provides a great opportunity to get to know people from other countries, and makes class interactions more meaningful.

Advantages of Studying Abroad

On top of everything mentioned above, international students who study at St. Thomas More College in Canada also get access to exclusive clubs, events, and activities. These include student-run clubs like the Global Entrepreneurs Club, where you can meet entrepreneurs from around the world.

If you’re interested in business, engineering, psychology, or any other field of study, you’ll have a great foundation to build on when you return home. And thanks to the various clubs, activities, and perks that international students are given, your experience at St. Thomas More College in Canada will be memorable and enriching.

Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

Unfortunately, there are a few disadvantages that international students who study at St. Thomas More College in Canada face. The biggest one is that the curriculum is more advanced and demanding than that at home. In order to keep up with the level of study, you’ll need to take more books, take more tests, and stay up later than you normally would.

Additionally, while the level of friendliness and helpfulness of the professors is generally higher than at home, the amount of research that students are expected to do is much higher. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with as many disciplines as possible, in order to meet the requirements for your major.

Bottom line

St. Thomas More College in Canada is a great school for international students! It has an exciting and challenging program for both undergraduate and graduate students, and provides alumni and friends with plenty of opportunities to meet and interact with other students from all over the world. If you’re interested in a career in business, computer science, psychology, or engineering, or just want to learn more about different cultures, this school is for you!

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