
Medical Schools In Canada For International Students



Medical Schools In Canada For International Students

What comes to your mind when you hear medical school? Medical schools are part of a higher institution (University) that impacts students with the knowledge of how to take care of health. Medical school is a whole section on its own, though it’s part of an institution. Anyone that wants to become a health practitioner (doctors, nurses, psychologist, etc) has to pass through a medical school and obtain a degree.

There is no doubt that medical school is a quite competitive one, and is meant for the brainy with outstanding results. Medical schools do carry out research, provide solutions to health problems, and come with new inventions that can be helpful to human health.

Medical students are always distinguished anywhere they go, and always given special respect. Almost every part of the world does place fewer procedures for medical personnel to migrate into their country. Some European countries allow medical practitioners to migrate into their country at free cost.

After 5-7 years of studying in medical school, such a medical student will be awarded a medical degree, which can make them work anywhere they like. Medical professionals earn high, aside from their salary, they also stand to gain from other Benefits.

Furthermore, as a medical student in either the US or Canada, you are entitled to some allowances from the government. This will make you fully concentrate on your studies.

However, a student that studies medicine in Canada, will be granted a medicine degree, but won’t be allowed to operate yet, until he/she passes through a test, which will certify him/her as a medicine. Canada has several medical schools, and we shall be listing the best of them in this article.

Also, before embarking on the process of attending a medical school, you should ask yourself some questions, Do I have the financial capacity? Do I have the time to study a health-related course? Can I cope with the course?

These are questions you should ask yourself, because number 1, medical schools are quite very expensive, regardless of it being private or public, you should first consider yourself, or parent, whether you will be able to achieve it. Secondly, medical courses are time-consuming. It will take 90% of your 24hrs time because you will spend most of your day and night reading and practicing. Thirdly, will you be able to cope with the course? Does your brain assimilate things easily? Most of your time will be spent making research and reading textbooks, will you be able to cope with the practicals, these are questions you should review, before embarking on going into medical school.

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Canadian medical students are always known to come out with outstanding results, and always make the country proud. Medical schools in Canada, have provided solutions to some long age disease, health problems, mental issues, etc, and are always recognized as exceptional.

Medical schools in Canada are equipped with sophisticated equipment, to help students understand things easier and faster.

Medical Schools In Canada Requirements

Each medical school in Canada has its procedure for admitting students, some will require a student to have a bachelor’s degree before being admitted, while schools like Quebec, use a special requirement to admit students. Quebec accepts students that have completed a two-year CEGEP diploma, into their institution.

Furthermore, medicine courses are quite a competitive one in Canada. Most of the institutions in Canada will require a candidate to have completed 2-3 years of study in the University before such a candidate can apply for medicine.

Admission offers are solely decided by individual institutions in Canada, and each institution has its criteria, for judging whether a student qualifies for admission or not.

The chances of a student getting admitted into medical school in Canada is always %10, because the medical school in Canada is quite competitive, and they have less space for medical students.

Applying For Canada Medical School

When it comes to applying for medical schools in Canada, there are tons of ways by which you can find yourself there.

Just as there are numerous ways to migrate to Canada, so is it here as well.

If you are attracted to the high educational standard in Canada, and you wish to study in one of the schools there, it can be quite easy for you, if you will follow our guide here. Do you know six of the medical schools in Canada are part of the top 100 best Instructions in the world, amazing right? Studying in Canada will give you the right confidence to work internationally.

However, submitting an admission application is quite different, as it’s being done in most parts of the world, it’s quite complicated. But we’ve simplified all the processes in this article.

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How Difficult Is It To Enter Canada Medical School

Because Canada has a shortage of doctors, many think it’s quite easy to get admission into a medical school in Canada. It will be surprising to learn that, Canada has a low intake of medical students when being compared to the US. To buttress the point, in the year 2017, 81% of students who applied to medical school in Canada, were denied admission. Is it quite easy to get admitted into a medical school in Canada?

The fact that there is a shortage of medical practitioners in the country, does not automatically mean that there are high rates of admission chances into a medical school in the country. The truth about this is that the country does not have enough medical schools to train students, nor are there many hospitals in the country.

This is why foreign residents, who are medical practitioners, are highly favored in the country and are always greatly welcomed. As of the moment, Canada is already planning on increasing its Medical schools to accommodate medical students, and as well provide more medical equipment for students to learn better. Not getting admitted into a medical school, may not be as a result of not being brilliant, rather as a result of not having enough capacity.

Do Canadian Schools Accept Applications From Medical Students?

There are 17 medical schools in Canada, seven out of these seventeen schools do not accept international students. While only two of the remaining 10 only accept foreign medical students from countries with whom they have a contract.

They do this because they do not have enough capacity to accommodate many medical students, and they want the little they could train to continue to practice in the country.

So, bear in mind, if you are from the United States or the UK, your chances of getting an admission into a medical school in Canada can’t be guaranteed, and even if they do, they only accept in a single figure, not more than 9 students in a year. You should know that will be extremely competitive.

However, keep in mind that, it’s not only in Canada that admission into medical school is quite competitive, it is so in every part of the world. For this purpose, Canadian medical schools have fewer applications.

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Medical School Admission Requirements

There are no certain requirements that can qualify you for admission into medical school in Canada. Most of the medical schools in Canada will emphasize different training and courses students must take before they can qualify for admission into a medical school in Canada.

However, there are some basic exams set for medical students to test their knowledge and ability, if they pass this exam, they will have high chances of getting admitted into a medical school in Canada.

MCAT format was developed in the year 2015, to bring more courses. If a student could pass some of these courses, such a student will have a high chance of getting admitted into a medical school.

The exams taken as an entrance into a medical school in Canada are most times CBT-based to ensure proper things are ensured, such as MCAT score meets the requirements score and the GPA.

Generally, courses are taken, to get admitted into a medical school, which is often a mixture of science and art. You should always check your application, to see if you have the right Requirements, most of the courses taken are as below.

  • Physics with laboratory
  • Sociology
  • General biology
  • Calculus
  • English
  • Organic chemistry with laboratory
  • Psychology
  • General chemistry (inorganic chemistry) with laboratory

Ensure you have a vast knowledge of these courses.


Admission into medical Schools in Canada is highly competitive, so, therefore, before you can get admitted, you must have a strong GPA. A GPA of 3.5 is the least Requirement. Anything below 3.5 can raise an alarm.

Attending famous schools like Harvard, known for grade inflation, and still having below 3.5 is a more serious and complicated case. Having low grades from such a school will make your admission chances very minimal.

MCAT Scores

Your MCAT Scores are quite important, and you should endeavor to have a good score, as medical schools do place considerable weight on this course.

Baccalaureate  Diploma

Before you can apply for admission into a medical school in Canada, you need to have a degree. However, the degree does not necessarily have to be in science. Some schools consider this as negative.

Most medical schools in Canada are mostly concerned about your passion to learn, and the zeal you have for the course and the profession.

Best Medical Schools In Canada Ranking

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